Mural in Motion

A site specific, five story projection featuring student produced animations and original music.

Mural in Motion (2010) was the first student-created projection mural in Philadelphia. It was the result of a partnership between Springside Chestnut Hill Academy and the Mural Arts Program of Philadelphia. This site specific projection was made for the exterior wall of the Fabric Workshop and Museum and was performed during the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) conference. This project was designed and managed by composer/technologist Ellen Fishman. Ellen led workshops to teach students how to write their own soundtracks and how to animate for this specific site. 

Lead Artist-Ellen Fishman-Johnson

Contributing Artist-Eric Okdeh

Assisting Artist-Karen Kolkka

Video with interview with Jane Golden, Mural Arts of Philadelphia

Video of interviews with students


Chestnut Hill Local

ISTE Reader



360º Sound


List of Works